星期四, 十一月 24, 2005

Kickoff 2Lovely's BLOG

  经过今天 的事情,我觉得与老婆相处之道不是在于互相以为自己对错,互相体贴 可能也不完全正确,就像徐MM (徐MM者乃一优秀MM也,下同)所说的:体贴对方经常就是委屈自己。我认为和老婆相处之道最重要的是:沟通,因此,我决定创建一个我跟我老婆一起的 blog,那就是——http://2lovelyblog.blogspot.com/

>> 说明一点,俺老婆虽是东北人,但是也不说这么地道的东北话了,特此声明,免得日后她上这看到后有意见:-)

After something of today, I found that the good way to live with my wife is neight to show consideration for each other, nor to say right or wrong, but to do well communication with her. XMM said to show consideration for him will often get complaint to yourself, so I am sure the idea that communication is the best way to show what I want and my wife want.
So today I register a BLOG here and kickoff our two lovely living, welcome everybody come here to share your lovely living.

>> Maybe we can learn English together here too :b
